Total Oblivion

"A fast-paced, suspenseful dystopian picaresque, part Huck Finn and part bizarro-world Swiss Family Robinson..."



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Skinny Dipping

Long-listed for the Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award and finalist for the Crawford Award. Title short story listed for the 2000 O. Henry award.

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Goblin Mercantile Exchange

Futures, Options, and Swaps (the weblog of Alan DeNiro)

Lory pointed to the way that doctors of Islamic law have, over centuries, debated whether or not it is possible to enter into a legal marriage with jinn. Regardless of their legality, such marriages do happen. Men may even marry a jinniyya princess, though in order to do so he must forswear sexual relations with other humans (except perhaps his wife if he is already married, though even then he must alternate nights, one with his wife, the other with the jinniyya). It almost goes without saying that the consequences for breaking such an arrangement are severe.


Mon, September 22 2008 » ?!?!?

One Response

  1. Christopher Barzak September 23 2008 @ 12:05 am

    *loves* it. thanks for linking!!

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