Total Oblivion

"A fast-paced, suspenseful dystopian picaresque, part Huck Finn and part bizarro-world Swiss Family Robinson..."



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Skinny Dipping

Long-listed for the Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award and finalist for the Crawford Award. Title short story listed for the 2000 O. Henry award.

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Futures, Options, and Swaps (the weblog of Alan DeNiro)

Deadline Enchanter news

I’m really pleased to say that Deadline Enchanter was a finalist for three XYZZY Awards-for Best Writing, Best Story, and Best Use of Medium-and won the XYZZY for the latter. Needless to say-considering I’m decidedly Not a Programmer, to find an audience for any of my game-creation endeavours is a giant thrill. I’m really appreciative of everyone who worked on Inform 7-designers, extension-creators, helpers of all stripes.

As an aside: It’s been awhile since I played my first text adventure-and I had a weird realization that it WASN’T an Infocom work; rather, it was Scott Adams’ Pirate Adventure on my Texas Instruments TI994/A (combo cartridge and cassette!). Never really got that far.

Sun, March 16 2008 » Games

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